


Kepler’s war with Mars

Kepler’s War with Mars

“Martian sunset on sol 24 and a close-up of the sunset - The image above shows much more color variation than had previously been seen. The blue color near the Sun is not caused by clouds of water ice, but by the Martian dust itself. The dust in the atmosphere absorbs blue light, giving the sky its red color, but it also scatters some of the blue light into the area just around the Sun because of its size. The blue color only becomes apparent near sunrise and sunset, when the light has to pass through the largest amount of dust. The close up below shows the red sky in the background and the blue around the Sun approximately as they would appear to the human eye. The color of the Sun itself is not right -- the Sun was over exposed in each of the 3 color images that were used to make this picture. The true color of the Sun itself may be near white or slightly bluish.”



Chronology of Mars Exploration

from nasa:


Mission Timeline

|--Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A) - 10 October 1960 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
|--Marsnik 2 (Mars 1960B) - 14 October 1960 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
|--Sputnik 22 - 24 October 1962 - Attempted Mars Flyby
|--Mars 1 - 1 November 1962 - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost)
|--Sputnik 24 - 4 November 1962 - Attempted Mars Lander
|--Mariner 3 - 5 November 1964 - Attempted Mars Flyby
|--Mariner 4 - 28 November 1964 - Mars Flyby
|--Zond 2 - 30 November 1964 - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost)
|--Zond 3 - 18 July 1965 - Lunar Flyby, Mars Test Vehicle
|--Mariner 6 - 25 February 1969 - Mars Flyby
|--Mariner 7 - 27 March 1969 - Mars Flyby
|--Mars 1969A - 27 March 1969 - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Launch Failure)
|--Mars 1969B - 2 April 1969 - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Launch Failure)
|--Mariner 8 - 8 May 1971 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure)
|--Cosmos 419 - 10 May 1971 - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Lander
|--Mars 2 - 19 May 1971 - Mars Orbiter/ Attempted Lander
|--Mars 3 - 28 May 1971 - Mars Orbiter/ Lander
|--Mariner 9 - 30 May 1971 - Mars Orbiter
|--Mars 4 - 21 July 1973 - Mars Flyby (Attempted Mars Orbiter)
|--Mars 5 - 25 July 1973 - Mars Orbiter
|--Mars 6 - 5 August 1973 - Mars Lander (Contact Lost)
|--Mars 7 - 9 August 1973 - Mars Flyby (Attempted Mars Lander)
|--Viking 1 - 20 August 1975 - Mars Orbiter and Lander
|--Viking 2 - 9 September 1975 - Mars Orbiter and Lander
|--Phobos 1 - 7 July 1988 - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Phobos Landers
|--Phobos 2 - 12 July 1988 - Mars Orbiter/Attempted Phobos Landers
|--Mars Observer - 25 September 1992 - Attempted Mars Orbiter (Contact Lost)
|--Mars Global Surveyor - 07 November 1996 - Mars Orbiter
|--Mars 96 - 16 November 1996 - Attempted Mars Orbiter/Landers
|--Mars Pathfinder - 04 December 1996 - Mars Lander and Rover
|--Nozomi (Planet-B) - 3 July 1998 - Mars Orbiter
|--Mars Climate Orbiter - 11 December 1998 - Attempted Mars Orbiter
|--Mars Polar Lander - 3 January 1999 - Attempted Mars Lander
|--Deep Space 2 (DS2) - 3 January 1999 - Attempted Mars Penetrators
|--2001 Mars Odyssey - 7 April 2001 - Mars Orbiter
|--Mars Express - 2 June 2003 - Mars Orbiter and Lander
|--Spirit (MER-A) - 10 June 2003 - Mars Rover
|--Opportunity (MER-B) - 7 July 2003 - Mars Rover
|--Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter - 10 August 2005 - Mars Orbiter
|--Phoenix - 04 August 2007 - Mars Scout Lander
|--Phobos-Grunt - 08 November 2011 - Attempted Martian Moon Phobos Lander
|--Yinghuo-1 - 08 November 2011 - Attempted Mars Orbiter
|--Mars Science Laboratory - 26 November 2011 - Mars Rover
|--MAVEN - 18 November 2013 - Mars Scout Mission Orbiter

webpages and Eos image copyright 2020   M  Nealon

Page 1

Keplers Elliptical Orbit .



Page 2

Orbit Data.



Page 3

Mars Fact Sheet.  (nasa)

Fear and Panic.



Page 4

Mars Exploration.




Page 5

The Brahe Campaign.

Kepler’s Battle Plan.
















Photos: nasa


All links and photo references valid at time of writing and  in future  will likely never be checked to see if they are still valid.

Hesiod, Shield of Heracles 191 ff :

"[In a battle-scene engraved on the shield of Herakles:] And on the shield stood the fleet-footed horses of grim Ares (Mars) made gold, and deadly Ares the spoil-winner himself. He held a spear in his hands and was urging on the footmen: he was
red with blood as if he were slaying living men, and he stood in his chariot. Beside him stood Deimos (Fear) and Phobos (Flight), eager to plunge amidst the fighting men."
